Friday, June 08, 2012

Packing Up

This is a very sad day. I finished packing up everything that is going to Canada. My entire life fits into a suitcase and a duffel bag. I also have a backpack for my travels afterwards but my room feels empty and bare. I got rid of 4kg of clothes and one pair of shoes that I am not bringing back. I am pretty sure red dirt never comes out of anything. I am not looking forward to unpacking due to the manner in which I packed - chaotic and no rhyme or reason.

My shelves have only my coffee/tea collection and my showering stuffs. My closet is actually visible to the back now. There was a very large Huntsman spider living at the back with a giant web. Google it - they are big as dinner plates, hairy, black, large, furry creatures. I screamed bloody murder and made campus security remove it promptly. The shoe rack only has flip flops, a pair of sneakers, and Toms. My floor is clean for the first time in four months. Cleaning my floor meant finding a New Zealand $20, $9.05 in change, four Fantales, one sock, and a very cute pair of earrings. There is nothing under my bed besides dive gear. Four out of five drawers are completely empty.

I don't know if I will bring home all of the photos on my wall but I will be bringing my postcards home. I have a collection of 29 postcards from this semester. They range from being sent from Thailand, Calgary, Los Angeles, Canyon Ranch, Belize, to Texas. This is the most amount of mail I have ever gotten in my life.

It just feels strange that in 12 days that I will leave this place forever. As much as I BMW (bitch, moan, and whinge) about this place, it is home. "Take me to the corner of Winthrop and Wallaby" is a staple statement. The influx of South African and Australian accents are going to be the thing I miss most. I honestly loved the South African accent more than the Aussie one.  

I get to root up my entire life again but this time back "home". I will be back in Canada in 50 days or six weeks. I guess it has hit me that I am done my semester abroad besides finals. Australia is not my home any more; it is now a tourist destination.

People are starting to leave here as they don't have finals and its beginning to get strange around here. My three good girlfriends are leaving here in the next eight days. It is just strange to think that I will probably never see anyone from here in a long time or ever even. Chicago, Netherlands, Glasgow, Mississippi, and Johannesburg are all on the list of places to visit.


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