Another update from the Beijing plane. I'm still just as bored out of my mind. I've seen most of Russia's outlands from the plane. Looks like a ad snow day permanently. Currently flying over some part of China. It's very straight cut into neat plot lines of I'm assuming rice fields. There is a magnificent river which the plane has been following for a while. Honestly, there is not a misshaped or non-square plot of land here.
I've officially been on a plane for 11 hours and 9 minutes. I've seen six movies and read five books and colored. I'm done with travel and my day is only half over. This plane is freezing most because of the winter conditions outside.
I've now filled out my Chinese landing form and colored from the complimentary coloring book the stewardesses gave me a couple hours ago. Of course all within the lines and perfect complimentary colors. I left the country not my OCD tendencies.
If anyone is looking for a good movie, watch the movie Abduction with Taylor Lautner. It's entertaining and dynamic. The plot is based on a grown up abducted child who discovers he came from an assassin family. A Dolphin's Tale is cute and adorable but the plot line is iffy at best and based on a true story. Arthur is a very cute movie. The ending is horribly sad but is a feel good film overall. Puss in Boots in no where the awesomeness of Shrek. It was a complete waste of time even on a plane. Drive was okay Ryan Gosling is always a treat to see in a movie.
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