Friday, February 17, 2012

Bangkok, Thailand to Perth, Australia

I met dad in Bangkok. I legitimately got off the plane to go do this horrific market. It smelled like someone had taken a shit and let it ferment then cooked it. The market was densely packed with people, different foods, and massive amounts of clothing. It is illegal to actually sell knock offs in Thailand and is punishable by death. It made finding Brody's and mom's jeans a little harder. Dad was just in his prime loving the market. We only had to stay three and a half hours in this market. It was a challenge to breathe in this place. I really do hate Bangkok as a city. It's too dirty, crowded, and pushy for my liking. Plus, the stupid frog that makes noise similar to the whistles in Cabo, drives me up the wall. I am not a fan of being harassed every time you take a step. I'd much rather go to somewhere civilized.

An early flight to Perth was a relief. The hotel was attached to the airport which made the travel easy. Checking into the executive lounge four hours before the flight, I napped on one of the couches. I have learned that I can sleep anywhere, any time, and in any position. The flight was 6 hours to Australia. Watching the outback of the Western Coast is incredible. It's legitimately red the entire time. It was a balmy 32 C when we landed.

The weather for the week has been hot and a little humid. Dad and I ran around the city getting everything you need to be successful here. One day we drove 3 hours south to Busselton. It is a retirement community with incredible diving. We missed the dive boat by about 15 minutes and were just going to snorkel off the jetty. The jetty is a 1.6 km train that goes out the ocean and an underwater viewing area. You can actually snorkel or fish off of it. Dad backed out at the last minute because he couldn't climb down the stairs then snorkel away from the beach. I personally thought that it would be incredibly easy.

One day, Dad and myself went over to a girl from UofC whose parents live here for a BBQ. All of the kids and their parents from Uni of Calgary were in attendence to watch the sunset out her deck. Dad, Jaime's and Curtis' parents all got along really well. She lives in Cottelsoe which is the beach area in Perth. I might be there more often than res.

I set up my entire res room which is maybe 10 feet by 12 feet with a desk, dresser unit, closet, mini bar fridge, and twin bed. I am staying in Currie Hall which was built in 1959. It has no air conditioning or heating, one bathroom per floor per gender, and limited wiring. As such, I cannot use a kettle, blow dryer, or toaster oven in my room without blowing the entire floor. However, I can use two fans, straightener, lamp, computer, printer, and the internet all at once. Makes total sense to me. The girls bathroom has one shower with a maximum of 12 minutes of water and one outlet for 24 girls to do their hair in the morning. I might be walking to campus to shower daily.

Perth is a sprawled out city along the ocean and the Swan River. Transit might be an issue soon enough but who knows I might just live at the beach, uni, and res. I love the weather and people. I have a 5 minute walk to the beach and river from res. If anyone wants to come visit, pre-book hotels.


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