So after months of hard training and team effort to push each other to our limits, I finished the Edinburgh Tough Mudder. What I didn't know about this lovely race is that it is a HALF marathon and obstacles. When I signed up I thought, very naively, that this was a short 10 km run with obstacles. I was wrong - just under a half marathon with obstacles. Tough Mudder was created by the US Special Forces for the purposes of basic military training camp then it got popular and they commercialized it. My friend, Lis from Calgary noticed this in about February and asked if I wanted to do it. I didn't take much thought to it and signed up. Goals for training are always welcomed. Over the next couple of weeks, I convinced a few more law school friends going to the castle to join in so that we could have a solid team. In the end three of us trained together for three months. The other two decided last minute to join which was fine. Tough Mudder sent us a training program to do - hilarious but oh so necessary. It was an hour and a half program that ran 12 minute straight programs of cardio, arm strength, or leg strength with three minute breaks in between sets. I can now do man push ups, burpee, wall sits, and skipping for three solid minutes. Running in Kingston was actually nice to train for but I didn't train enough for the Mudder to be running full tilt the entire time. Kingston does not have enough trail running for that to be possible.
We came to Edinburgh on Friday to get settled and carb-load. It felt like the day before competitions - not too much walking, a little bit of shopping, and a whole lot of pasta and chicken. Saturday was an early morning. We got up at 5 to paint our faces, warm up, and head out on public transit to Dalkeith where the race was taking place. We got there and it was incredible to see. There teams upon teams dressed up in team shirts or costumes. After spray pairing numerous Canadian flags in ourselves we joined in the collective warm up (think step class like). The atmosphere was a little like what I imagine a football locker room to be - a lot of chanting, groaning, and war cries. Before we eve got to the start line you had to jump over an 8 foot wall, which I am proud to say I did without help. Always good to get muddy before you even start the race - why else would they call it Tough Mudder? They make you chant once you get over the wall to get into the spirit of the race. The entire race is ran in about 8 inches of mud that they create specifically for this race. My runners were trashed at the end. Our first obstacle was an army crawl in the mud with barbed wire above us - key to this was keeping your bum down and sprawling. Some of the memorable obstacles were climbing through pipeline in pitch black, climbing up a 30 foot wall by rope only, jumping into an ice bath then swimming 40m in it, being electrocuted a couple of times, and the entire mile of hip deep mud. We got electorshocked twice - you had to army crawl the first time through this 50m course then run the second one. Half the team ran together which made it 100x worse, this is the only time that team work did not pay off. I ran alone after seeing our guy hit the ground in pain because the girls with him got hit. The worst one by far was swimming backwards with only your face above water because you were in a cage. I hate small spaces and that just about made me cry... Might have made me cry, don't know and will never admit it either way. A lot of the course was grit to get yourself through the obstacle or the running. Running in mud is harder than it looks, your feet stick and they slide and its not like you can just power through on straight aways. The one nice thing about Tough Mudder is that you do everything as a team because you have to, which makes it a lot easier than a normal half marathon. There is no way you can sheer climb a rope without someone holding the bottom or even get yourself up to climb over a 20 foot wall without a little bit of help.
Our team was pretty good besides one girl who whined and gave up and ruined that team spirit. Fair enough you hurt but you do not give up in the middle of no where because you are muddy. We all scraped our knees and elbows and other body parts hurt but you do not give up and whinge about it. I have more bruises and scraps than is imaginable but totally worth it. I would totally do it again but I would just run a little bit more prior to. My muscles this morning are on fire. Everything burns.
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