Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ladies Who Attend Luncheons

Today has been one of those days that I feel like a lady who does luncheons as a hobby. I attended not one but two of them.

I attended an event for exchange students staying at Currie Hall with the President, Chris Massey, and the head organizers for Currie Hall. Lunch was tasty - finger sandwiches, fresh fruit, real juice, and cheese with crackers. It was a meet and greet session to make sure that none of us were dying living in residential colleges. I call it an opportunity for good food, they can call it whatever their heart fancies. Most people are going to Bali through res for spring break so conversation was aligned with stay safe, don't do drugs, your a college representative, etc.

Then following that luncheon, I went to a luncheon for the UWA Business School with the Dean and Vice Dean. The invitees were shockingly the exchange students again. The food was tasty again - finger sandwiches, sushi, and real juice. The school is very involved in making sure that as an exchange student you have the entire university behind you supporting you. I think they just want more exchange students and have a different philosophy on life than home does. As a token of appreciation, the school gave each one of us who attended an engraved UWA Business luggage tag.


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