Hey y'all,
I officially leave in t minus 19 hours. Hours. The panic level has hit an all time high for sure.
Packing is slightly completed... Two out of four are packed!?!? Yup, I might have procrastinated on that one. However, I really didn't comprehend the absolution and the amount of stuff that you actually need to travel Asia and Australia... Or how little fits into suitcases to begin with.
It was a lot easier to move to the cabin for the summer than to move across the country. At least people could come visit you with everything you left at home.
So far, I have:
- Suitcase with 68 lbs
- Suitcase with 65 lbs
- Backpack unpacked with clothes sprawling all over the main room
- Not enough shoes to last me the first month
- Computer being handed over to Dad as of tonight
- Bag for the plane not even thought about yet
Anyways, going to continue to pack.
I am meeting a girl on my trip in Vancouver as we have the same flight schedule. Once in Bangkok, I am meeting another girl to get the lay of the land. I will let all of you know when I am in Bangkok.